Thursday, January 4, 2007

Bikin' and Skootin'

Anna learned to ride her bike just before Christmas 2006. Max learned to ride the skooter, too. Look out sidewalks!

Daddy's Girl!

Anna and Daddy in front of our home.

Look out Ben!!!

Yes, it is a real, live alligator. Thankfully, Ben is on a boardwalk in the Everglades looking down on the gator. "She's a beaut!"

Canoeing in the Everglades

What an adventure in Flamingo on the river. We canoed between the mangrove trees and in the mangrove trees. Yes, our canoeing skills are novice. It was a lovely day!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Herbie's Our Hero!

Can it really be the infamous Herbie? Yes! At MGM, Herbie was sighted with a Christmas bow tied upon him. Ben, Anna and Max adore Herbie, so this was a really cool opportunity!

Surf's Up

For Thanksgiving 2006, we traveled to Deerfield Beach for a beachside vacation. The water was gorgeous and as you can see Ben, Anna and Max had a great time playing in the sand and surf.